Easter 2017 in Rome. Where will you be? At the seaside, on a countryside retreat or staying in the city? If you are staying in Rome, willingly or unwillingly, for the Easter holidays, you certainly shouldn’t resign yourself to eating in. You’ve come to the right place to read a guide on where to eat out on Easter Sunday and Monday in Rome 2017, and we’ve tried to cater to all sorts of tastes and budgets. Many restaurants will be open (Babingtons, Buff, Alfredo alla Scrofa, Coromandel, Ai Piani), but we’re focusing on the places offering a specially-devised Easter menu. From traditional fish-based dishes, to creative recipes, to entertaining the children, and to brunch al fresco, there’s something here for everyone.
Easter 2017 in Rome
At Eggs, the new bistrot in vicolo del Cedro (set up by Zum and Puntarella Rossa) the Easter weekend is clearly the best time to try their egg-based menu, and to get lost in the beauty of Trastevere’s backstreets. Other than the ten-recipe-strong Carbonara Menu, you’ll find an Easter lamb and artichoke carbonara, thought up especially for the occasion. The chef, Barbara Agosti, will also be putting together her original lamb’s offal recipe, an excellent take on the traditional Roman Easter recipe.
When: Easter Sunday and Monday
Price: choose from the à la carte menu
Eggs, vicolo del Cedro 26, Rome. Tel. 06 5817363
Livello 1
For the Easter weekend Livello 1 will be serving two special dishes: tagliolini (thick spaghetti) with broad beans, anchovies and Roman pecorino DOP (as seen in the photo above) made with traditional Roman ingredients and a dash of flavour from the sea, and then, in true Easter style, a chocolate fondant egg with almond ice cream and a colomba (a typical Italian Easter cake) sauce. There’s also a choice between three tasting menus for those that want to try chef Di Mattia’s creative cuisine.
When: Easter Sunday lunch
Price: 7 courses of your choice for 70 euros; 4 for 60 euros; 3 for 50 euros
Livello 1, via Duccio di Buoninsegna 25, Rome. Tel. 06 503 3999
While it’ll be closed on Easter Sunday, on Easter Monday Litro (with its new but already renowned chef Marco Bravin) will open its doors and host a long lunch, available from 12pm until 6pm. The blackboard boasts a variety of dishes: cuts of cured meats and cheeses; creamed cod served with pasta cannoli; slow-cooked eggs from Paolo Parisi with vitelotte potatoes, broad beans, peas, a potato puree and parmesan sauce; veal with tuna sauce; spring vegetable brie lasagne; pan fried lamb meatball and cococnut milk curry; slow cooked artichokes with mint and olive oil; and a surprise Easter dessert. Some of these dishes are on the tasting menu (35 euros): slow-cooked eggs from Paolo Parisi with vitelotte potatoes, broad beans, peas, a potato puree and parmesan sauce; spring vegetable lasagne and brie; pan fried lamb meatball and cococnut milk curry; and a surprise Easter dessert.
When: Easter Monday (closed on the Sunday)
Price: tasting menu 35 euros; dishes on the blackboard vary in price
Litro, via Fratelli Bonnet 5, Rome. Tel. 06 4544 7639
Primo al Pigneto
The Easter lunch menu thought up by Primo in Pigneto’s chef, Marco Gallotta, includes: an amuse-bouche; poached egg with spring vegetable stew; a shoulder of lamb with tuna sauce; fettuccine with lamb, white wine and herb ragù; Tuscan lamb in broth with artichokes or pan-fried lamb cutlets with a wild green salad; espresso tiramisu with chocolate shavings and Atlantic sea salt.
When: Easter Sunday (closed Easter Monday)
Price: 50 euros per person
Primo al Pigneto, via del Pigneto 46, Rome. Tel. 06 701 3827
Secondo Tradizione
High quality, traditional Roman ingredients are at the heart Secondo Tradizione’s Easter lunch menu, in the Prati district. You will find: a special Easter pizza with corallina (Umbrian salami), pecorino and broad beans; eggs served with asparagus, mushrooms and parmesan; fettuccine paja e fieno (a mixture of green and yellow tagliatelle) with sausage and mushrooms; lamb with spring vegetable stew; and Easter desserts.
When: Easter Sunday lunch
Price: 50 euros per person (water and coffee included, wine and spirits excluded)
Secondo Tradizione, via Rialto 39, Rome. Tel. 06 3973 4757
Ristorante Chinappi
You won’t find any traditional lamb recipes on Ristorante Chinappi’s menu, as it’s strictly fish-focused, even on Easter Sunday. The chef’s dishes include: scallops with coconut, onion and lime; skate with asparagus and hazelnuts; grilled octopus with potatoes and broccoli; cod with roman courgettes; maquadro pasta with aromatic pesto and calamari ragù; and slices of soft orange colomba cake (a typical Italian Easter cake) with toasted almonds.
When: Easter Sunday lunch
Price: 79 euros per person
Ristorante Chinappi, via Valenziani 19, Rome. Tel. 06 48 19 005
Open both on Easter Sunday and Monday, at Rosti you can enjoy a brunch outside on the terrace, where there’s plenty of space to park a buggy. It’s the perfect spot to take advantage of beautiful sunny days. On the menu you’ll find: Russian salad; egg recipes; sliced veal with tuna sauce; fried artichokes; lamb’s offal with artichokes; savoury Easter tart with corallina (Umbrian salami); spring vegetable stew (with broad beans, artichokes, peas, potatoes, lettuce, courgettes, agretti and spinach); broad beans and pecorino; Nicoise salad; frittata with wild green salad; lasagne (ricotta, mortadella, meatballs, parmesan and tomato); orecchiette pasta with artichokes and pecorino; fried lamb cutlets; leg of lamb slow cooked and then fried; casatiello (a typical Neopolitan savoury tart); other savoury tarts made in-house; chicken cacciatora; pastiera (a typical Neopolitan sweet cake); cicerchiata (a typical Italian cake); and assorted cakes and pastries.
When: Easter Sunday and Monday
Price: 25 euros
Rosti, via Bartolomeo d’Alviano 65, Rome. Tel. 06 275 26087
Collegio – Wines, liqueurs and food
The new wine bar in Piazza Capranica run by the Santarelli family has an unusual array of Easter Sunday lunch recipes: traditional cheese and cured meat tart; artichoke and butternut squash lasagne; lamb cutlets and lombetto (lamb salami) with crusty bread, pecorino and mint served with spring vegetable stew; mini colomba cakes with custard. To really get in the holiday spirit there’s also a special cocktail devised by bartender Emanuele Broccatelli, called ‘Pasqualotto’ which will be a mix of chocolate liqueur, Vermouth Chimato, a secret sweet ingredient from Marino, and a garnish of chocolate shavings.
When: Easter lunch
Price: prices vary; set menu 45 euros
Collegio, piazza Capranica 99, Rome. Tel. 06 6994 0992
Ketumbar offers an organic Easter brunch: pearl barley and seasonal vegetable curry; 5 grain crostini with vanilla potato cream; toasted fregola (Sardinian pasta) with artichokes, mint and pecorino; a salad of salted almonds, raisins, spinach, fennel and Viterbo hazelnuts; beef and artichoke stew; cannellini and wasabi bean pâté; broad beans and pecorino; an Easter board of corallina (an Umbrian salami) eggs and chocolate; vegan apple sfogliatina (an Italian pastry); ricotta and sour cherry tart; and buckwheat tart. Ketumbar also provides entertainment for children.
When: Saturday 15th April, Easter Sunday and Monday, from 12.30pm until 4pm
Price: adults: 15 euros on Saturday, 20 euros on Sunday and Monday; children 10 euros (drinks not included)
Ketumbar, via Galvani 24, Roma. Tel. 06 5730 5338
In Parioli’s new tasty restaurant Ercoli, other than the usual menu you’ll find special Easter dishes like veal tartar with Roquefort mousse, chargrilled shallots and toasted pine nuts (16 euros); paccheri pasta filled with oxtail, sheep’s ricotta and bitter cocoa leaves (13 euros); pecora al coccio (an ancient recipe from Basilicata where sheep’s meat is cooked with onions, potatoes, tomatoes, celery and pecorino) with lamb’s offal (17.50 euros); an Easter egg made with raspberries and lemon cream (8 euros).
When: Easter Monday and Sunday
Price: prices vary
Ercoli 1928, viale Parioli 184, Rome. Tel. 06.8080084
Porto Fluviale
On Easter Sunday and Monday at Porto Fluviale, at the trattoria you can eat many dishes from the main menu, or choose one of their special dishes: lasagne with goat ragù or a shoulder of lamb with artichokes cooked Roman-style. In the pizzeria you can order from the main menu or choose the brunch option, which boasts an array of traditional dishes.
When: Easter Sunday and Monday
Price: 19 euros for brunch or prices vary on the à la carte menu
Porto Fluviale, via del Porto Fluviale 22, Rome. Tel. 06 574 3199
Queen Makeda Grand Pub
An international brunch with variety of specially-made Easter dishes: at Queen Makeda Grand Pub you’ll find a buffet of traditional dishes (including lamb and turkey recipes) as well as international options, and there’s even a convey belt showing off the many different desserts. The chef Marco Infante has also decided to prepare savoury Easter tarts; a selection of cured meats and cheeses and traditional desserts. For Easter Monday there will also be a selection of roasted meats; grilled vegetables; pasta frittata; a selection of cured meats and cheeses; all types of fried foods and mini Easter Monday desserts.
When: Easter Sunday and Monday
Price: 25 euros for adults, 10 for children
Queen Makeda Grand Pub, via di San Saba 11, Rome. Tel. 065759608
Ciclostazione Frattini
If you’re looking for a place in the Portuense district that’s both set back from the main drag but also out in the open (where you can happily leave your children to play) it’s Ciclostazione Frattini, a restaurant, pizzeria and grill. On Easter Sunday and Monday you can enjoy lunch from the main menu or choose brunch, which offers many traditional dishes. On the Easter Sunday menu you’ll find: gnocchi with goat ragù; roast lamb porchettato (meaning it’s cooked in the porchetta-style, stuffed with garlic, cubed lamb’s liver and offal, mixed with rosemary or fennel) with a cheese sauce, mint and potatoes. On the Easter Monday menu, there’s carbonara tagliolini with asparagus; and lamb cutlets marinated in herbs. To entertain the kids, there’s TricicioStazione, a play area that’s open from 10am.
When: Easter Sunday and Monday
Price: 20 euros for brunch, prices vary on the à la carte menu
Ciclostazione Frattini, via P. Frattini 136/138, Rome. Tel. 06 550 3707
Other than dishes on the usual brunch menu that we’re used to tasting at Pasticcio at the weekend, they have added (for the same price) traditional dishes: Easter pizza; savoury Easter tart with artichokes, Umbrian salami, hard boiled eggs and casatiello bread; vegetables fried Roman-style with lamb’s offal and artichokes, fried artichokes, Umbrian salami; artichoke lasagne, gnocchi in a roast lamb sauce; lamb alla cacciatora, fried lamb cutlets; Roman chicory with peas and prosciutto; tiramisu, and an assortment of other desserts.
When: Easter Monday and Sunday
Price: 19 euros
Pasticcio Rome, Lungotevere Portuense, 200 – 5° piano . Tel. 06.5813605
*Traduzione a cura di Corinna Parker: Twitter